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When thinking of a diverse workplace, one may ideally envision a company or organization made up of an approximate proportion of the people who live in the larger community.
Let’s first look at Miriam Webster‘s definition of the word ”diversity” before we continue this dialogue. Diversity is the condition of having or being composed of differing elements: variety; especially: the inclusion of different types of people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization. Additional elements of diversity include gender, age, ability levels and religions.

My top 7 benefits to diversity in the workplace:

1. Customers, vendors, and employees are requesting to work with companies that reflect their values. Companies that do not keep up with the times may be left behind.

2. Products will be more representative of what local markets are looking to buy. A diverse team will bring the wisdom and knowledge of various cultures to the drawing board. The end result has a higher chance to serve customers from all larger community with the highest quality. If for instance a company was targeting a particular group of people for a marketing campaign and no one on their team had a true understanding of that group, the marketing campaign may inadvertently miss their target market.

3. People from different backgrounds may have the opportunity to get to know each other and open their horizons to new and different ideas.

4. Employees from low-income communities are able to bring economic stability to their families and move gradually towards middle-class status, thus lifting up their family members and communities as well.

5. Stereotypes can be broken when co-workers see each other working on the same team for the same goal with a variety of skills and talents. If all team members are treated with dignity and respect, new bonds of solidarity can form in our overall social fabric.

6. When children from low-income communities see their parents and community members having solid careers in all different fields, they are more likely to succeed and gain the necessary education and credentials needed for their future success.

7. It’s not just what’s right, it’s good business.

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adina pic This blog is created to share and dissiminate easy ways for any concerned citizen to be an agent of change in their community and the world at large. Please join in the conversation towards progress.